An Army Of Me…

(Tik Tok, Duffel bags and What else? Books of course!)


JUN 25, 2024

Hey there, beautiful friends.  I just put on my Pandora music mix of everything station and Kesha came on with “Tik Tok” and I must ask is it still valid to wake up feeling like P. Diddy?  And with that I welcome you to another week, another day in the life of Laura.  =)

Full moon rise over the ATLANTIC ocean, in Sea Isle City, NJ, USA

Today was decent.  I got a lot done and helped my boss get packed up for his trip.  He didn’t think I was going to be able to get ALL the clothes he was planning (and I was planning) packed up into his duffel bad suitcase thinger ding.  It worked out well.  I got everything in it and then got a little jealous of this duffel.  I need one of those.  I know my hubs does the most.  Haha.  He would love that suitcase, duffel bag thinger ding. 

Anyways, things are GOOD.  I just got home yesterday from another 4-day stint at the shore, and man am I tan. LOL.  I was looking in the mirror and I did realize I got a lot of sun the other day sitting by the pool with Mr. D and shooting the shit about life and everything with it.  I especially enjoyed our conversation about how sugar is killing Americans and how terrible it is.  I love being able to have a conversation about REAL things with him and REAL stuff that is happening.  He is so informed.  So, Mr. D is a family friend and I grew up with his son (my brother’s best friend) and they own a major plumbing and heating company in the area.  I thought it was super cute when Mr. D was trying to explain to me how the thermostat works and I was just smiling and nodding as though I didn’t know.  I do know some stuff, just not enough about CARS.  Which leads me to the next minute detail of my life:  I lost a hubcap on the way down to Sea Isle on Friday, and my car looked completely ghetto and out of its element.  Today (after driving home the 100 miles or so mind you with it looking ghetto) I picked up a set of new hubcaps and man does my beautiful Nissan Sentra look brand new again with those shiny wheels.  Haha.  I am grateful for Brian’s best friend Tim (and groomsman in our wedding) for putting on the hubcaps for me today, although I probably could have done it myself.  We have good people in our lives.  We truly do, and for that I am thankful.  It’s always good to stop and smell the roses.  Who are you thankful for today?  Maybe reach out to them and say, “Hey, I’m grateful for you” …  you never know who might need to hear it.

So, the strawberry full summer solstice moon passed us by and oh man, was she beautiful! Such a sight it was for me to see (“We have such sights to show you!” — name that movie—hint: it’s from my favorite Horror movie franchise and it’s not for the faint of heart)—I took a bunch of pictures both nights while it was pink.  It was just lovely and such a good time to charge up the crystals, and I got my onyx ring charged up.  Her power gives me my power and other witchy things you might find hokey.  But that’s me in a nutshell this last week.

Full STRAWBERRY moon on the first full day of summer.

Next week on July 4th, my husband, Brian, and I will be heading back to Sea Isle City for a week there and an exciting DATE NIGHT on Tuesday.  I look forward to that dinner at Denunzios where we will grab dinner and I’ll get to introduce him to the owner, Mama D and her daughter Jenny who runs Sea Isle Realty.  Special shoutouts to them and I hope to see them both in the wintertime raiding the fridge and me looking in the window and coming inside with them for that special coffee/espresso/chocolate chip gelato.  OH MI GOODNESS: YUMS.  I dream in gelato. (For those of you unfamiliar, it is a special Italian form of ice cream and water ice and it is so delicious and creamy and when it’s made with coffee and espresso beans it’s got my name all over it… I still have some leftovers in the freezer down the shore because it is absolutely SINFUL! But it is worth every bite and every ounce to my hips!)

WHAT I AM READING:  I read 4 books last week, starting with “The Unwedding” (at least I think that is the one I didn’t mention last week last)—by Ally Condie and it was good but kind of MID if you get my drift.  I don’t recommend it as the best thriller of the year but if you want a Reese’s book club pick to read that’s a thriller and will keep you interested in the story from more than likely page 1… meh, what am I saying?  I don’t recommend this book.  I just don’t.  It was mediocre (mid) at best and we are moving along. 

“The House in the Pines” by Ana Reyes kind of sucked too.  I hate to say it, but it did.  I was looking forward to this book too and it let me down.  Another Reese’s book club pick, but to be honest her thriller selections are MID at best if I’m being honest about the other 3 I read on her list.  I’m now wondering why they are even on a list, but whatever—that’s neither here nor there. 

                “The Wicked Sister” by Karen Dionne I picked up on a whim off Book Bub and OH MI GOSH WOW… just WOW (and I hate that phrase but there it is!)  The book was so impressively well written and such a good story that it was just: Damn. 

                THEN, THEN, AND MORE THEN:  Yesterday, I read “No Exit” by Taylor Adams in a few hours because I could not put this book down.  Special shoutout to my sister-in-law Meghan for passing this along to me.  She has been amazing with passing along the thrillers to me as of late… so good, so good.  Between this book and the Alex Finlay one and of course Shari Lapena (who never fails either)—I am so glad she knows how to pick em for me!  But yes, this book is apparently a movie on Hulu now which I have not seen because I got rid of Hulu a while ago… but I’d like to see it.  The book gave me a nightmare last night but that’s typical anyway so who knows?  But yes, such a great story and such honest writing.  Reminded me of something Joe Hill (that’s Stephen King’s son!) would have written but dare I say, possibly… better?  And HE even recommended it. 


                The End of my geeking out on books for the week.  Up Next: “The Butterfly Garden” which a BookStaGrammer who I found via THE ELIN HILDERBRAND ‘s Instagram… she recommended it highly and it was on my wishlist so I’m going to read that between today and tomorrow.  I’m on book 61 of the year and I have no plans to slow down.  Hoping for 100-110 by the end of the year.  I can do this, BOOK it (literally), I got this. 

Hope it’s AWESOME.

Thanks for reading my blog.  Look out for Memoir release information in the next post and also, I can tell you this detail… I’m self-publishing but I’m self-publishing mostly through the Substack and a little bit of WordPress for subscribers.  Paying subscribers can get my memoir through Substack on the subscriptions list but this part, my blog, my MeowMix newsletter, will always remain FREE.  But don’t hold me to any promises, haha.  Just kidding.  Okay, with that—I leave you… baby, I’m howling for you! (Gotta love the Black Keys).  =)  Thanks Pandora for the musical inspiration for this blog post. 


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